What’s in My Camera Bag? Wild Side of China Photo Expedition 

By Nat Hab Expedition Leader Eddy Savage Nat Hab’s Wild Side of China Photo Expedition is a spectacularly unique journey through renowned nature reserves and culturally significant sites. From an architectural and cultural perspective, we will spend time in large cities, small towns, ancient walled villages and remote high-altitude villages. From a nature and wildlife…

Flip Through More than 5,000 Pages of This Sprawling 19th-Century Atlas of Natural History

Courtesy of the Biodiversity Heritage Library In the early 19th century, German naturalist Lorenz Oken quickly established himself as a leader in the Naturphilosophie movement, a current of Idealism, which attempted to comprehend a total view of nature by investigating its theoretical structure—a precursor to the natural sciences as we know them today. Oken’s seminal…

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