Unprecedented Footage Shows Plants ‘Talking’ to Their Neighbors about Potential Predators

The touch-me-not plant, officially known as mimosa pudica, quickly contracts its leaves when shaken or brushed by assumed predators. When one of these specimens senses danger like a nearby herbivore ready to take a bite, calcium erupts within its system, prompting exposed areas to recoil. Scientists have known since the 1980s that other plants, not…

Through Delicate Glass Sprouts, Nataliya Vladychko Emphasizes the Wild Resiliency of Seeds

“Triticum” (2020), wooden platform and flame-shaped borosilicate glass,
26 x 27 centimeters.
Photo by Steven van Kooijk. All images © Nataliya Vladychko, shared with permission “After the fire brigades rescued the London Natural History Museum from German incendiaries, Albizia silk-tree seeds bloomed on their herbarium sheets, liberated from two hundred years of dormancy by the precise combination…